Compare prices before you buy tickets for FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid CF on Sunday 11 May 2025 at Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys in Barcelona.
Select a ticket platform to buy your tickets for FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid CF (La Liga match). First, click on "Tickets" and you will be redirected and will be able to select the category and number of tickets. We found one Official Ticket Agent of Barça and 5 secondary ticket platforms with ticket availability for FC Barcelona - Real Madrid CF.
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys
Compare buying options for FC Barcelona - Real Madrid CF from reputable secondary ticket marketplaces. Prices for FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid CF are set by such ticket platforms / event organiser. They are subject to availability and may be higher or lower than the face value.
The match FC Barcelona - Real Madrid CF (La Liga) is scheduled for Sunday 11 May 2025. Please note that kick-off date and time have yet to be confirmed.